So this time, in addition to the traditional electronic entertainment, Brian and Billy went hiking.
Which meant that Billy got to hike four miles with an added 10 pounds of cuteness attached to his chest (Brian carried our offspring the other seven miles) and now I have more beautiful pictures on the computer of woods and treeish things.
And here is Brian and Billy with our dear friend Katie. Nazarene pastors, all of them. I couldn't be prouder. I don't know where the future of the church is headed, but with them involved, it certainly should be interesting!
For Pop's birthday next month, everyone pooled their money to buy him a better canoe. And through the miracle that is, we wound up getting it from a guy in Fremont across the Bay. So for Memorial Day weekend last week, Pop and Penny drove down to pick up the canoe.
(This is what happens when I get vague instructions like: "Take pictures of the baby and the canoe and send them to my parents.")
We went to the Aboretum and the Conservatory. I'm waiting for my next shipment of fiber from the Yarn Barn to show up so I can translate all this into fiber. Can you say "dye-fest"?